Monday, January 1, 2024


We will see the end of U.S. hegemony. There will be wars all over the globe. Between now and the end of 2025 the U.S. population will be reduced by two hundred sixty million plus people. This will be the result of wars, modern medicine, vaccines, starvation, disease, and internal turmoil. There will be starvation due to the destruction of U.S. farmlands and the loss of good relations with allies and adversaries alike.  Bill Gates & the Chinese have purchased our farmlands and food processing plants.  They want to do away with meat and teach you to eat bugs.  The fruits and vegetables are being coated with and injected with poisons, and let’s not forget the chemtrails.


There will be a collapse of the U.S. banking system, the housing market the automobile market and the energy industry. President Biden has made sure of that by giving away countless billions of dollars and by making new enemies all over the globe.  More and more countries are joining the B.R.I.C.S. Nations and vowing to trade in their own currencies.  The dollar bill will become worthless.  As a result, the U.S. will have to switch over to digital currency.  The government will reclaim 1/3 of the land making it off limits to humans and stating that it is being done to recover the environment. There will be no peace, no privacy, and no comfort. The people will be dispossessed of all their belongings. No food, no money, no property, and no dignity.


The U.S. will continue to poke the wolf and the sleeping dragon. When China and Russia refuse to go to war, the U.S. will attach the Russian Federation and will suffer great military defeats one after another.  It will be impossible to get the woke class of American youth to volunteer to go die in a war that they don’t support.  Correction, many simultaneous wars. The American Republic will be destroyed from the inside by its leaders and their owners. There will be civil war and then more civil war. The U.S. will be set upon by its many enemies. We will be gathered into mega cities and there shall be complete military control. Every word and every thought shall be monitored.  The government will subject us to one fake disease outbreak after another and force deadly vaccines on the public that are designed to damage their DNA and reproductive capabilities.


There will be the creation of artificial organs, artificial meat and the severe poisoning of the air and the water.  Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes will cause havoc. The Red Meteor is on its way, and it has the capability to destroy all. The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius will erase the Vatican. The 15-minute city will begin to become a reality all over the world.  There will be great sorrow throughout the lands but still the people will not unite.  Peace, freedom, morality, and honesty will no longer exist. Goodness and mercy will be lost from the world.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Open your third eye.



The Pineal gland is a neuroendocrine transducer secreting melatonin responsible for physiological circadian rhythm control.

A new form of bio-mineralization has been studied in the human pineal gland and consists of small crystals that are less than 20 microns in length. These crystals are responsible for electromechanical, biological transduction mechanisms in the pineal gland due to their structure and piezoelectric properties.

(The piezoelectric effect results from the linear electromechanical interaction between the mechanical and electrical states in crystalline materials with no inversion symmetry.[5] The piezoelectric effect is a reversible process: materials exhibiting the piezoelectric effect also exhibit the reverse piezoelectric effect, the internal generation of a mechanical strain resulting from an applied electrical field. For example, lead zirconate titanate crystals will generate measurable piezoelectricity when their static structure is deformed by about 0.1% of the original dimension. Conversely, those same crystals will change about 0.1% of their static dimension when an external electric field is applied. The inverse piezoelectric effect is used in the production of ultrasound waves.[6] )

The pineal gland contains calcite crystals of calcium, carbon & oxygen and because of their structure, they express this piezoelectric effect.

Like an antenna, the pineal gland can become electrically activated and generate electromagnetic fields that can tune into information. In the same way that an antenna pulsates to match the frequency of an incoming signal. The pineal gland receives information carried by electromagnetic fields. Since all frequency carries information once the antenna connects to the exact frequency of the electromagnetic field, there must be a way to convert and scramble that frequency into a meaningful message. That is exactly what a transducer does.

(A transducer is a device that converts energy from one form to another. Usually, a transducer converts a signal in one form of energy to a signal in another.[1]
Transducers are often employed at the boundaries of automation, measurement, and control systems, where electrical signals are converted to and from other physical quantities (energy, force, torque, light, motion, position, etc.). The process of converting one form of energy to another is known as transduction.[)

A transducer is anything that receives a signal in one form of energy and converts it to another.

Consider the signal received by a TV or your AM/FM signal. Of course, now we mostly have cable and satellite. But those signals are received by an antenna, and when you tune to the correct information you can then transduce the information at that frequency and hear your music or see your TV broadcast. This is the same with all of your mobile devices. It's RF energy transmitted over the air.

Now, remember the pineal gland is a neuroendocrine transducer receiving and converting signals. The pineal gland can pick up frequencies above our 3-dimensional space-time sensory-based reality. With your eyes, you are receiving light and you can translate the data at the various light frequencies within your visual spectrum. With your ears, you are receiving sound vibrating at different frequencies traveling through the air. You can translate the frequencies within your auditory spectrum.

Once the pineal gland is activated it can tune into higher dimensions of space and time, and like a TV, it can translate the data received at these frequencies into vivid imagery and surreal, lucid, transcendental experiences in our mind. Including profoundly heightened multi-sensory visions beyond our imagination and vocabulary.

For the pineal gland to become activated some important things must happen.

Step 1, The piezoelectric effect that I mentioned earlier. Critical to creating this effect in the brain is the calcite crystals. They are very tiny. Their sizes range from about 1 to 20 microns. For the most part, they are octahedrons, rhombohedrons, and hexahedrons.

The purpose of the breathing techniques done before many meditations are to pull the mind's focus out of the body by liberating potential energy stored as emotions in the lower 3 energy centers. As we inhale and contract those intrinsic muscles, follow our breath from the perineum all the way up our spine to the top of our head and then hold our breath and squeeze those muscles more. We are increasing intrathecal pressure. This is the internal pressure created when you push up against your insides. Like when you hold your breath doing squats. When you do this, you are pushing cerebrospinal fluid up against the pineal gland and exerting mechanical stress on it. This mechanical stress is translated into an electrical charge and it's this exact action that compresses the stacked crystals in the pineal gland and creates a piezoelectric effect. The crystals in the pineal gland generate an electrical charge in response to the stress you are applying. Remember, this effect can also be reversed. You have an electric charge being created and it produces a magnetic field and vice versa on and on. You end up with a pulsating electromagnetic field. When we inhale through our nose, and at the same time squeeze our intrinsic muscles we exhilarate the cerebral spinal fluid in the brain. As we follow the movement of energy to the top of our head then hold our breath and squeeze, we are increasing intrathecal pressure. The increased pressure moves the cerebral spinal fluid from the 4th ventricle through a small canal into the 3rd ventricle. At the same time, fluid traveling around the cerebellum compresses the crystals of the pineal gland. By increasing the intrathecal pressure you funnel a greater volume of CSF into the third ventricle as well as the space around the cerebellum. So when you hold your breath and squeeze this extra volume of fluid exerts pressure from both directions up against the crystals causing them to compress and increase the piezoelectric effect. Now the pineal gland becomes a pulsating antenna capable of picking up subtler and subtler faster frequencies. THIS IS THE FIRST EVENT THAT MUST TAKE PLACE TO ACTIVATE THE PINEAL GLAND.

Step 2. The pineal gland releases its metabolites. On the surface of the gland are tiny hairs called cilia. The action of the accelerated fluid moving faster than normal moving through the chambers of the ventricular system tickles the tiny hairs. This over-stimulates the pineal gland. Because the pineal gland is shaped somewhat like a phallus the stimulation produced by the acceleration of fluid moving past it combined with the electrical activation created by an increase in intrathecal pressure in a closed system causes the gland to ejaculate some very profound upgraded metabolites of melatonin into the brain. The tiny cilia of the pineal gland become stimulated as the cerebral spinal fluid exhilarates through the ventricular system.

Step 3. Energy is delivered directly to the brain. Much like sending a rocket ship into space, overcoming gravity to get it off the ground is the part that requires the most energy. So to move the energy from our lower centers requires a great deal of intensity and effort. As you know by now every time you perform the breath, you send charged particles up the spinal column. As these particles increase in velocity and acceleration they create what is known as an inductance field.

(Inductance is the tendency of an electrical conductor to oppose a change in the electric current flowing through it. The flow of electric current creates a magnetic field around the conductor. The field strength depends on the magnitude of the current and follows any changes in current. )

This inductance field reverses the flow of two-way information that typically facilitates communication from the brain to the body and the body to the brain. Much like a vacuum the inductance field draws the energy from those lower centers and delivers it directly to the brain stem in a spiraling motion. As the energy travels up through each vertebra it passes the nerves that run from the spinal cord to different parts of the body and some of that energy is then transferred through the peripheral nerves that affect the tissues and organs of the body. The current that runs along these nerve channels activates the body's meridian system, resulting in all the other systems of the body getting more energy. As energy is released from the body to the brain it passes by each spinal nerve exiting between each vertebra. The excitation of this system further switches on the peripheral nerves, which then transfer more energy to different tissues and organs in the body, as a result, more energy is delivered throughout the body. Once this energy reaches the brain stem it must pass through the reticular formation. It's the job of the reticular formation to constantly edit information going from the brain to the body as well as from the body to the brain. This formation is part of a system called the reticular activating system which is responsible for levels of wakefulness.

As the sympathetic nervous system is activated and merges with the parasympathetic nervous system, instead of depleting the body's stored energy it releases that energy back to the brain. Once this energy reaches the brain stem, the Thalamic gate opens like a door, and energy moves through the reticular formation to the thalamus where it relays information to the neocortex. Now the reticular formation is open and you experience greater levels of awareness. In essence, you become more conscious and awakened. Think of the thalamus as a big train station with tracks leading to the higher centers of the brain. That's how the brain goes into gamma brainwave patterns. There are two thalami in the mid-brain and the pineal gland is between them. When the energy reaches each thalamic junction, remember the thalamus is like a relay station to all of the other parts of the brain. This thallium sends a message directly to the pineal gland to secrete its metabolites into the brain. The effect is that the thinking neocortex becomes aroused and goes into higher brainwave patterns. Like gamma. The nature of these chemical derivatives of melatonin relaxes the body and at the same time awakens the mind.

When energy moves from the body to the brain a Torus field is created around the body. When the pineal gland becomes activated a reverse Torus field of electromagnetic energy is created moving in the opposite direction. It draws in energy from the top of the head into the body from the Unified field.

Since energy is frequency and frequency carries information, the pineal gland transduces that information into vivid imagery. When your pineal gland is awakened, because it is picking up higher frequencies, these higher energies alter the properties of melatonin. The higher the frequency the greater the alteration.

Its this translation of information into chemistry that primes you for those transcendental mystical moments.

This is why I like to call the pineal gland an alchemist because it transmutes melatonin into some very profound and radical neurotransmitters. As higher frequencies and higher states of consciousness interact with the pineal gland, one of the first things to happen is that these frequencies transmute melatonin into chemicals called Benzodiazepines. They are a class of drugs from which Valume is created. They anesthetize the analytical mind so all of a sudden the thinking brain relaxes and stops analyzing. Your body feels calm and relaxed but your mind is awakened.

The higher the frequency you pick up the more it alters your chemistry. Which means the more visual, hallucinogenic and higher energy experiences we have. The crystals in your pineal gland act like a cosmic antenna are the doorway to these higher vibrational realms of light and information.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


            I am not a doctor.  I am simply a person who practices and has conducted extensive research into healthy living.  For my efforts I have been blessed with an amazing quality of life.  I suffer from no adverse physical or mental conditions other than an enlarged prostate.  I have a full medical exam, that includes blood work, every six months and I visit my dentist every 3 months.  I have my eyes and ears checked every 5 years.

            First and foremost, stop taking prescription medications.  (They are designed to hurt you)

            Do not use over the counter medications either.  (They do more harm than good and most don't work.)  Except for things like fever reducers and pain killers.

            Also stop smoking, reduce your alcohol intake to a minimum and no street drugs either.  I know you've heard this stuff all before.  If you want to live, you should listen.

            Most importantly, absolutely do not take any vaccines of any kind.  You don't need them.  You are better off getting sick and recovering naturally.  It will make you stronger.  I have not had any vaccination or even a flu shot since the 1980s.  I get sick once or twice a year and get over it.  The vaccines are dangerous because they have been tampered with.

            Avoid sugar at all cost.  No processed foods of any kind.  The more processed the food is, the harder it is for your body to digest it.  No red meat, no cookies or candies, no chips, no cakes, no ice cream.  Never consume anything labeled diet or low fat.  

            Reduce your consumption of fish to no more than once a week.

            Drink plenty of spring water and filter it yourself so that you know it's clean.  Drink red wine with your meals and unsweetened tea in the evenings.

            Most importantly, eat a diet that consist of a wide variety of raw vegetables, nuts, and fruits.  Avoid cooking and microwaving your food when possible.  Exercise about twenty minutes, five days a week.  Ideally that exercise should consist of bench press one day, squats on another day, dead lifts on a third, walking, stretching, sit-ups, meditation, and a wide variety of dumbbell exercises all five days.  An elliptical is a great exercise tool to have in your home.  It is low impact and exercises your entire body.  You can take walks in your neighborhood or through your local mall.  It's a good idea to purchase a dog.  Studies have shown that people who own pets generally live longer because pet interaction is a great stress reducer.  Furthermore, the dog will help you stay on track with your daily walks as the dog will anticipate them and encourage you to get up and get moving. 

            American humans are the sickest animals on the planet.  Our body systems are not meant to be regulated by pharmaceuticals.  The homeostatic model that western medicine is based on does not work.  The idea that your blood pressure should be this and your cholesterol level should be that, and if it is not, you need to take a drug.  Hog wash.  You don't need to take a drug, you need to change either your eating or living habits.  In western medicine, doctors only treat your symptoms.  There is no effort made to cure you of the conditions.  You must keep in mind that you are a customer to the medical, insurance, and pharmaceutical industries.  The individuals who own and run these companies have no interest in curing you of anything.  Their goal is to get you to take their prescription medications and keep you taking them and paying for them your entire life.  The medical industry is big business. 

            In 1984, the congress passed legislation that made it illegal to sue a pharmaceutical company.  At that time there were 11 vaccines that children received.  When I was a child it was only 6.  Now between the years of birth to 18 years old, there are 69 vaccines that children receive.  We should be pretty healthy right?  Guessed what?  They are using the vaccines to actually spread disease and give you new diseases.  The Center for Disease Control, working hand in hand with the Medical & Pharmicutacul Industry has genetically modified the Measles, Mumps & Rubella vaccine to cause Autism in African American & Hispanic males, and they have admitted to doing so, and congress has known about it for years.  In 1983, 1 in 10,000 boys suffered from autism.  By the year 2015 that number has increased to 1 in 28 boys.  These numbers are terrifying.  Now if you want to really be frightened, check out how many people are dying from cancer every year.  What's worse, most of those people don't actually die from cancer, they die from being treated for cancer.  Today you would be hard pressed to find a dozen females who have either not had cancer, or had their lives dramatically effected by it, i.e.... a sister or mother has died from cancer.  If we are so advanced and our medical industry is so great, why are we suffering from so many afflictions that we were not suffering from 30 years ago?  Simple, the wealthy powers that control our society are getting rich off of our misery.  You would have to be a fool to believe that modern medicine cannot produce one single medication that does not have 6 horrible side effects, or that modern medicine cannot come up with a cure for one single disease.

            Take control of your own health and live a long healthy life.  Your body will fix itself if you give it what it needs to do so.  We are machines and like all machines, we require certain things to function properly.  What are they?  (Remember, Essential means that your body does not produce them naturally, so you have to consume them)

Essential Vitamins:                        

Essential Minerals & Trace Minerals: 

Essential Amino Acids:                 

Essential Fatty Acids:                   

Water, Sleep, Exercise

            For the most part people, it's really that simple.  Oh and by the way, modern medicine has come up with cures for just about every disease on the planet.  They just don't want you to know.  They have also developed longevity drugs that would allow you to live 150 years or more and smart drugs that will make you more alert and some of them will make you more intelligent.  If you think I'm lying, sit down in front of your computer and perform a few simple searches.  You would be amazed at what you discover if you take the time to open your mind and explore the world around you.  So, turn off that TV, and pick up a book.

            This may sound like I'm trying to tell you what to do.  Not at all.  I'm simply trying to let you benefit from my years of experience and study.  I'm just trying to share some useful information.  I hate the fact that each day I see people suffering for no reason whatsoever.  So, if you don't know how to live healthy, I'm telling you.  Do some research on your own and you will find out that everything I've written here is true.  You don't have to live a life of pain and misery.  You don't have to die young or go broke trying to remain healthy in your senior years.  The government is not going to help you or protect you.  The medical and pharmaceutical industry is not going to cure you of anything.  They never have and they never will because you are there cash cow.  So take charge of your own health and in the words of Mr. Spock, "Live Long & Prosper".

P.S.  the government has a plan in the near future to ban supplements and force all adult Americans to take a series of 11 mandatory vaccines.  I believe it's called the Healthy American Plan.  You heard it here first.  Don't you believe it.  It's a plan to make sure we are all sick and in need of pharmaceuticals.


Monday, March 9, 2015


What is it?  How do we obtain it and finally, how do we maintain it?  As of late I have had to struggle with this issue.  I have been alone for a long time and now l find myself actively seeking a relationship.   The dictionary defines intimacy as "a close, familiar, and usually affectionate or loving personal relationship with another person or group.  I believe the feeling of intimacy is developed by the act of being intimate with one another.  To me intimacy is knowing, trusting and developing a compassionate love of another person, and making a commitment to that person.  Then I have to ask myself the question, can we ever truly get to know someone.  I have to say yes.   Intimacy is knowing them at the core being of who they are.  It's looking beyond the mask that they present to the public and, getting to know the true person.

So how do we obtain this intimacy?  Now there is physical intimacy and there is emotional intimacy.  I feel the emotional intimacy is more important so I will speak on it first.  I believe we can obtain it by being open and honest with each other.  By being accepting of one another.  Faults and all.  I believe we have to approach our loved one with an open mind and an open heart.  No preconceptions whatsoever.  No judgments, no list of what they should or should not be.  I know we are all hesitant to open up to others, to be vulnerable is frightening, especially to a man.  We don't want to reveal our soft underbelly.  We are taught to be strong but in a relationship we have to open up to others.  Not only letting people into your life, but into your heart.  It is scary to reveal your hopes, wants and dreams.  There is always the fear that you will be criticized or laughed at.  For men there is even the worse fear that you will be thought of as soft or weak.  I say you have to take the chance.  To develop intimacy we have to cultivate a curiosity of one another combined with empathy and understanding.  Getting to know someone takes time, it takes work and it requires patience.

As to the issue of physical intimacy, it also takes time and requires great effort.  In my view to develop physical intimacy requires you to be keenly alert and in the present.  What I mean is pay attention to the little things from the many ways she smiles to the way she holds her head when she has a question about something.  It's noticing and learning all the wondrous unique things about her body.  Observe it and explore it's many intricacies.  It's learning how she kisses and were she likes to be kissed.  It's hand holding,  cuddling, long hugs and how you walk together.  To me it's making that special one on one connection.  It's being able to recognize when something is wrong and caring enough to inquire.  It's learning were and how she likes to be touched.  It's knowing when she needs to talk and when you need to just listen.  It's knowing when she needs you to hold her and stroke her hair.  It's being in tune with her body, accepting it and delighting in every square inch of it.  When your loved one touches you your heart should melt and the cares of the day should fade from memory as in comparison to the joy she brings, they are utterly insignificant.

Now to the greater concern.  Once we have obtained intimacy, how do we maintain it?  It's easy for a relationship to start cruising on autopilot.  Once that starts you run the chance of taking each other for granted.  If you start taking each other for granted you can easily forget how truly important your partner is in your life and screw up your relationship.  Nobody wants to do that.  I know I don't.  It is my goal to make a woman feel loved, wanted and appreciated.  To maintain the intimacy I believe you have to remember what's important and you have to make a conscious effort to maintain the relationship.  Take your automobile for instance.  You maintain that automobile by rotating the tires, getting a tune-up, changing the brakes and the oil when required.  I believe we have to do the same thing with the intimacy aspect of our relationships.  Put some conscious effort into it.  Occasionally get rid of all of the distractions of life and just concentrate on being together and enjoying each other's company.  That means, no TV, no cell phone, no computer and put all other obligations on hold for a while.  Find a quiet place where you can be alone and concentrate on each other.  A former girlfriend of mine opened my mind to the concepts of quality time and quality conversation.  She had me read a book by Gary Chapman called "The Five Love Languages", it helped me a lot and I highly recommend reading it.  Now of course I had to listen to the audio several times for it to stick.  I'm still perfecting my listening skills and have a long way to go but I'm working on it.  If you are not a reader you can find the audio version on 

In conclusion, remember what is important.  Relationships like most of the things in life require work.  It's not easy and it can be messy at times and frightening at others.  However, in the long run to experience the love of another person makes life worth living.  I hope this blog can help someone who needs it.  As for me it helps me to put my thoughts down on paper.  Take care and have a blessed day.

Dane Gilkey 3/8/2015

Sunday, August 17, 2014

As to the issue of racism.

The racism game is nothing more than a trick used by what I call the Financial class, to keep the people divided and fighting amongst themselves. No different than political affiliation, religion, and nationality. The Financial class, are the 5% or so of mega wealthy families who control everything and manipulate our society.  These are the people who own the banks and the land, who control the media and our access to food, medication and transportation.  These are the people who control our governments and own our politicians.  You know who they are, people like Rupert Murdoch who owns Time Warner, the Morgan’s, the Rockefeller’s, the Koch brothers and so on. These people want to keep you in a distracted naive bubble, so that you never sit back, take a look at your society, your world, and the way things are headed.  They want you to focus on reality TV and the upcoming sporting events.  All they are focused on is maintaining control of the world’s resources for themselves and their friends.  You see as the population grows there’s going to be less of everything to go around.   That is why these people want to keep you angry at each other and bickering over minor things.  In reality the things that unite us are much greater than the things that divide us. People are basically all the same. No matter what race, land or culture, we all have the same wants, needs, fears, insecurities, hopes and desires.  Think of what could be accomplished if we all stopped fighting and started uniting.  We are one people, the race of man, homo-sapiens, the human beings.  This is how we should view ourselves and like it or not, we are all in this thing together.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The 2nd Amendment

History has shown us time and time again, that the greatest threat to democracy is the unbridled power that the state holds over its citizenry.  It is the misuse of this power that often leads to insurrection.  For us to remain a free nation and a democracy, the people’s voice must be heard, and the people must be able to protect themselves against villains, wheater they be the criminal on the street, or a tyrant in the statehouse.  We live in a great nation, where issues like this can be openly debated and the reins of power change hands via the votes of the people.  We must all take part in the political process so that this nation may continue to flourish and change with the times.
Dane E. Gilkey

Friday, November 23, 2012

Your life is happening right now, don't miss it.

     Something I always tell people is, and those of you who know me have heard me say it many times, “Life is happening now”.  It’s not happening tomorrow or next week.  It’s not happening when you graduate, when you finally get married, when you get released from jail, when you retire, when you receive your inheritance, when you get that new job, when your children have grown up, when you lose weight and finally get in shape, Life is happening now.  Right now!  So enjoy the moment, saver it and make the very best out of right now.  Live as hard as you can, right now.  Be in the moment and take note of it.  Take pleasure in the now, the sites, the sounds, the smells that are all around you.  Be observant and focus on now.  Delight in the many blessing in your life.  Don’t worry about what you don’t have or be jealous of what your neighbor has.  Life is too short for that kind of thinking.   

     We’ve all heard the saying that tomorrow is not promised.  Tomorrow, huh, five minutes from now is not promised.  You could have a stroke or a heart attack before you even finish reading this blog.  There is no guarantee that you are going to wake up in the morning, in fact, many of you actually won’t.  Death has no required age.  There’s no time table.  Death comes when it comes.  The only thing that is for sure is that it will happen to all of us.  Your time and your life are equally precious so don’t waist them being lazy or being afraid.  So many people spend their lives being afraid of what others might say or might think.  You cannot live for other people and you cannot please everyone.   

     Something I like to remember in regards to loved ones is, every time you see them, every time you speak to them on the phone, may be the last time.  I remember the last time I saw my dear mother.  I had come home to visit her from the military and it was time for me to leave.  I hugged her, I kissed her on the cheek and said, “Mama I love you”.  Then I snapped a quick photo of her and got on my way.  A few months later I stayed up late at night talking to her on the phone, telling her my plans for the future.  The next morning I received a phone call telling me my beloved mother had passed.  My mother was my very best friend and her passing crushed my very soul.  Fortunately for me I had always kept in contact with my mother and always been open and honest about my feelings.  I was always good to my mother and tried not to give her reason to worry.  There was nothing left unsaid and nothing left undone.  I had been a good son and she had been a good mother.  Live for the now, and live in the now.
Dane Gilkey