The only thing in this life that we have control
over is how we react to the world around us.
For instance, when someone cuts you off in traffic, you can get angry
and try to retaliate or you can just let it go.
It is your choice how you react to the situation. When someone is rude to you, picks on you, or
tries to start an argument with you, you have a lot of control over the
situation. You decide how you are going
to react. Don’t let others control
you. Don’t let them trick you or lead
you astray. Step back from the situation
and think about what is best for you, not only in the here and now but in the
long run. We control who we associate
with, what choices we make, what words come out of our mouths, and how we treat
others. In the grand scope of things,
this actually gives us a lot of control over the path our lives take. So deal with the here and now. Whatever bad choices you made in the past,
are just that, in the past. You cannot
change the past, what is done is done, but it is imperative that we learn from
our mistakes and do not repeat them.
Your actions matter. Life is what you make of it. NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING! Whatever your condition is, you are responsible for it and only you can change it. Take control of your life. Take control of your destiny. You will be surprised what you can achieve if you just get up and try. Nothing happens by magic. Change can only be achieved through hard work. So find out what you want to be or were you want to go. Then figure out what you need to do to get there. Formulate a plan and then make it happen. Only the strong prevail. Be unstoppable. Be fearless. Be relentless in the pursuit of your goals and you will achieve them. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care and have a blessed day.
Dane E. Gilkey
Dane E. Gilkey