Friday, November 23, 2012

Your life is happening right now, don't miss it.

     Something I always tell people is, and those of you who know me have heard me say it many times, “Life is happening now”.  It’s not happening tomorrow or next week.  It’s not happening when you graduate, when you finally get married, when you get released from jail, when you retire, when you receive your inheritance, when you get that new job, when your children have grown up, when you lose weight and finally get in shape, Life is happening now.  Right now!  So enjoy the moment, saver it and make the very best out of right now.  Live as hard as you can, right now.  Be in the moment and take note of it.  Take pleasure in the now, the sites, the sounds, the smells that are all around you.  Be observant and focus on now.  Delight in the many blessing in your life.  Don’t worry about what you don’t have or be jealous of what your neighbor has.  Life is too short for that kind of thinking.   

     We’ve all heard the saying that tomorrow is not promised.  Tomorrow, huh, five minutes from now is not promised.  You could have a stroke or a heart attack before you even finish reading this blog.  There is no guarantee that you are going to wake up in the morning, in fact, many of you actually won’t.  Death has no required age.  There’s no time table.  Death comes when it comes.  The only thing that is for sure is that it will happen to all of us.  Your time and your life are equally precious so don’t waist them being lazy or being afraid.  So many people spend their lives being afraid of what others might say or might think.  You cannot live for other people and you cannot please everyone.   

     Something I like to remember in regards to loved ones is, every time you see them, every time you speak to them on the phone, may be the last time.  I remember the last time I saw my dear mother.  I had come home to visit her from the military and it was time for me to leave.  I hugged her, I kissed her on the cheek and said, “Mama I love you”.  Then I snapped a quick photo of her and got on my way.  A few months later I stayed up late at night talking to her on the phone, telling her my plans for the future.  The next morning I received a phone call telling me my beloved mother had passed.  My mother was my very best friend and her passing crushed my very soul.  Fortunately for me I had always kept in contact with my mother and always been open and honest about my feelings.  I was always good to my mother and tried not to give her reason to worry.  There was nothing left unsaid and nothing left undone.  I had been a good son and she had been a good mother.  Live for the now, and live in the now.
Dane Gilkey

Romance is not dead.

     Courtesy, kindness for kindness sake, generosity, valor, romance, all strange and now seemingly alien concepts; there was a time when these things were standards.  What happened?  Somehow we have gotten away from taking other people’s feelings into consideration.  A smile cost nothing.  Very little time and energy are expended when we hold the door open for a woman, or pull out her chair.  What does it hurt to simply say please and thank you?  Being polite is really not that difficult and romance is not dead. Now it may be difficult to find but it's definitely not dead. 

     There are still plenty of romantic people out there, people who believe in happy endings. The fairy tale can come true.  Nowadays so many people are in a rush to just get what they can get here and now. Still others are so focused on themselves they can't see past their own nose. So many people miss out on the good things in life because their minds are closed, their eyes are blind and no matter how loud you shout, they cannot hear. The beauty in the moments of life just seem to pass them by because they don't take stock in their many blessing. 

     A lot of guys are so worried what their buddies are going to think that they miss out on meeting and getting to know many beautiful women. They see a woman and they say, she's too tall, she's too short, she's too skinny, she's too fat, look at her hair, look at her car, look at her outfit. They find everything wrong that they can instead of getting to know the woman, they judge her harshly because they are afraid their friend might find fault in her. God never made anything so perfect as a woman.  Keep listening to your friends and you will miss out on a lot of truly amazing women. Gentlemen, she is your other half and you are incomplete without her.   

     Men have forgotten how to romance a woman and how to make love to her. You don't just make love to a woman's body. You make love to a woman's heart. Many men will brag about how hard or how long they can pump and grind. Fools, making love is an all day process. Making love to a woman is accepting her and not judging her, its supporting her and encouraging her. It is holding her when she needs it, it's considering her feelings, its asking her opinion and actually listening to what she has to say. It is making her feel like she is the most important person in your life. It is putting everything else on hold just for her.  It is putting her needs and her feelings before yours. Making love is not 20 minutes of grunting and sweating, it's making her feel that you can't live without her. It's holding her in an endless embrace, its long deep kisses and soothing touches. It’s touching and kissing every inch of her body so she knows she is completely perfect.  When you are making love to your special someone or even just spending time together, keep in mind that it may be the last time you ever see them, you may be spending your very last moments with them, so make them count.  One last thing for the men, remember that when women loves you she loves hard, from the very depths of her soul, and that is where you have to go to romance her.
Dane Gilkey